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⁣A lot can change within 6 months! ⠀ (Tanja Stroschneider via Facebook)

Tanja Stroschneider
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⁣A lot can change within 6 months! ⠀
On the left: 3 months after disc surgery (and 15 months after the injury happened) when I started training again. ⠀
On the right: 6 months later as training goes better and better! ⠀
And I can tell you: I am happier than ever! ⠀
Thank you Jürg Hösli for being by far the best nutritionist I‘ve ever met! You added so much quality to my life and training because you were the first to understand me and my body the right way! ⠀

PLUS it finally took a coach who not only believed me but more than that was willing to support me going a way that didn’t seem "normal" and was deviating from the standards for most people. Thx Wilhelm Lilge ??

I actually had to eat MORE to get in this shape BUT timing is more than essential and this is the point where most told me how stupid, crazy, undisciplined etc. I was because all I ever heard was that I had to eat less and less and I always listened to them though I always felt that this was just wrong. My body went on strike and the result was that I got blamed that it just didn’t work out because I still was eating too much which made things even worse. ⠀

Long story short: LISTEN TO YOUR BODY. Believe in yourself and dare to trust in your feelings and thoughts. And then finally make sure that you get the right people to work with (which actually sometimes might be the hardest part) and I feel so lucky to have such a great team around. Thank you ??

(Normalerweise natürlich auf Deutsch, aber heute ausnahmsweise zu faul und von Instagram kopiert ???)

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Unser Hauptpartner beim Business Athlete Award, . Die KTM Industries-Gruppe ist eine europäische Fahrzeug-Gruppe mit dem strategischen Fokus auf das globale Sportmotorradsegment und den automotiven high-tech Komponentenbereich. Mit ihren weltweit bekannten Marken KTM, Husqvarna Motorcycles, WP und Pankl zählt sie in ihren Segmenten jeweils zu den Technologie- und Marktführern.

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10.02.2025 Nachlese: Atos, Business & Biceps, Soulsurfing, ÖNB, Vorbild Schweiz (Christian Drastil)

10.02.2025 LinkedIn-NL: Ohne Bizeps bei einem Biceps-Podcast, die ÖNB zu Austro-Aktien und Monikas Prem...

08.02.2025 Börse-Inputs auf Spotify zu u.a. Porsche, Gettex-Podcast, Gunter Mayr, Patrick Taschner, Bio...

08.02.2025 SportWoche Podcast #147: Patrick Taschner, der mit Business & Biceps Menschen und Unternehme...

07.05.2022 Neue Bilder: Lemi Wutz, St. Moritz, Andreas Böcskör, Alex Antonitsch, Valneva, ATX Beobachtu...

03.02.2022 Neue Bilder: Magnus Brunner, Christoph Boschan; ATX-Beobachtungsliste 1/22 ; Simon Eder Biat...

27.07.2021 Doping macht mich zornig (Wilhelm Lilge)

25.07.2021 Neue Bilder: Tanja Stroschneider Ischgl, Stephanie Bendrat, Tanja Stroschneider, Barbara Wal...

25.07.2021 Tanja Stroschneider Bad Relax "Yep, that Spa of @hotelsonneischgl would have been nice ...

20.07.2021 Tanja Stroschneider - Müde - Enttäuscht "tstroschneidertri Misfortunes never come singl...

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Weitere Aktivitäten

Runplugged Business Athlete Award:


⁣A lot can change within 6 months! ⠀ (Tanja Stroschneider via Facebook)

Tanja Stroschneider
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Tanja Stroschneider
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⁣A lot can change within 6 months! ⠀
On the left: 3 months after disc surgery (and 15 months after the injury happened) when I started training again. ⠀
On the right: 6 months later as training goes better and better! ⠀
And I can tell you: I am happier than ever! ⠀
Thank you Jürg Hösli for being by far the best nutritionist I‘ve ever met! You added so much quality to my life and training because you were the first to understand me and my body the right way! ⠀

PLUS it finally took a coach who not only believed me but more than that was willing to support me going a way that didn’t seem "normal" and was deviating from the standards for most people. Thx Wilhelm Lilge ??

I actually had to eat MORE to get in this shape BUT timing is more than essential and this is the point where most told me how stupid, crazy, undisciplined etc. I was because all I ever heard was that I had to eat less and less and I always listened to them though I always felt that this was just wrong. My body went on strike and the result was that I got blamed that it just didn’t work out because I still was eating too much which made things even worse. ⠀

Long story short: LISTEN TO YOUR BODY. Believe in yourself and dare to trust in your feelings and thoughts. And then finally make sure that you get the right people to work with (which actually sometimes might be the hardest part) and I feel so lucky to have such a great team around. Thank you ??

(Normalerweise natürlich auf Deutsch, aber heute ausnahmsweise zu faul und von Instagram kopiert ???)

Random Partner

Unser Hauptpartner beim Business Athlete Award, . Die KTM Industries-Gruppe ist eine europäische Fahrzeug-Gruppe mit dem strategischen Fokus auf das globale Sportmotorradsegment und den automotiven high-tech Komponentenbereich. Mit ihren weltweit bekannten Marken KTM, Husqvarna Motorcycles, WP und Pankl zählt sie in ihren Segmenten jeweils zu den Technologie- und Marktführern.

>> Besuchen Sie 2 weitere Partner auf


10.02.2025 Nachlese: Atos, Business & Biceps, Soulsurfing, ÖNB, Vorbild Schweiz (Christian Drastil)

10.02.2025 LinkedIn-NL: Ohne Bizeps bei einem Biceps-Podcast, die ÖNB zu Austro-Aktien und Monikas Prem...

08.02.2025 Börse-Inputs auf Spotify zu u.a. Porsche, Gettex-Podcast, Gunter Mayr, Patrick Taschner, Bio...

08.02.2025 SportWoche Podcast #147: Patrick Taschner, der mit Business & Biceps Menschen und Unternehme...

07.05.2022 Neue Bilder: Lemi Wutz, St. Moritz, Andreas Böcskör, Alex Antonitsch, Valneva, ATX Beobachtu...

03.02.2022 Neue Bilder: Magnus Brunner, Christoph Boschan; ATX-Beobachtungsliste 1/22 ; Simon Eder Biat...

27.07.2021 Doping macht mich zornig (Wilhelm Lilge)

25.07.2021 Neue Bilder: Tanja Stroschneider Ischgl, Stephanie Bendrat, Tanja Stroschneider, Barbara Wal...

25.07.2021 Tanja Stroschneider Bad Relax "Yep, that Spa of @hotelsonneischgl would have been nice ...

20.07.2021 Tanja Stroschneider - Müde - Enttäuscht "tstroschneidertri Misfortunes never come singl...

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Runplugged Business Athlete Award:

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