6817 Zeichen
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Dividend announcement
ISIN: AT000000STR1
The 15th Annual General Meeting of STRABAG SE held on 28 June 2019, in line with
the proposal made by the Management Board, voted to pay out a dividend of EUR
1.30 per share for the 2018 financial year.
The shares of STRABAG SE will be traded ex-dividend 2018 from Friday, 5 July
2019. The record date for the dividend is Monday, 8 July 2019. On the trading
day after the record date, i.e. on 9 July 2019, an uncertificated security
assigned ISIN AT0000A28FM0 will be registered for each bearer share with the
custodian bank of the respective shareholder as a "value right" (Wertrecht)
certifying the claim to receive the dividend for the 2018 financial year. This
Wertrecht confers the right to receive the dividend beginning with 9 July 2019
against reciprocal and simultaneous transfer of the value right to Raiffeisen
Centrobank AG, company registration number FN 117507f, Tegetthoffstraße 1, 1010
Vienna, as designated paying agent in accordance with the following provisions:
1. Dividend payment
Each value right documents entitlement to the dividend of EUR 1.30 per share for
the 2018 financial year as determined by STRABAG SE, company registration number
FN 88983h, Triglavstrasse 9, 9500 Villach ("STRABAG"). Dividends are paid out
The designated paying agent is Raiffeisen Centrobank AG, company registration
number FN 117507f, Tegetthoffstrasse 1, 1010 Vienna ("paying agent"). The paying
agent acts exclusively as the agent of STRABAG and accepts no obligations
whatsoever towards the holders of the value rights. No contractual or fiduciary
relationship is established between the paying agent and the holders of the
value rights.
The paying agent will pay the dividend against reciprocal and simultaneous
transfer of the value right to the custodian bank of the holder of the value
right. Payment is also conditional upon presentation of proof pursuant to item 2
below (for Rasperia Trading Limited) or confirmation pursuant to item 3 below
(for all other shareholders).
Payment of the dividend will be made less 27.5 % capital gains tax to the extent
that no tax exemption from the obligation to withhold capital gains tax applies
and is invoked.
The dividend will be paid out by the paying agent on the condition that STRABAG
has approved the confirmations issued by the custodian banks of the holders of
the value rights and has provided the paying agent with the necessary amounts
for the payment of the dividend (including reimbursement of expenses pursuant to
item 5 below) in good time and in full.
2. Proof to be provided by Rasperia Trading Limited
The dividend shall not be paid out to persons designated by the Office of
Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) as Specially Designated Nationals (SDNs), in
particular Oleg Deripaska, or to companies that are at least 50 percent owned
and/or controlled by one or more SDNs.
Reciprocal and simultaneous payment to Rasperia Trading Limited, company
registration number HE 187571, Cyprus, or to the stated company with the name
TRADING LIMITED" [international joint stock company "Rasperia Trading Limited"],
company registration number OGRN 1193926007153, Russian Federation, ("Rasperia")
can therefore only be made on the condition that Rasperia (or its legal
successor(s)) is/are not at least 50 percent owned and/or controlled by one or
more SDNs. The paying agent will pay the dividend to Rasperia (or its legal
successor(s)) as soon as documentary proof of this fact has been provided and
has been expressly confirmed by STRABAG in writing.
3. Confirmation from the custodian bank for shareholders other than Rasperia
Upon submission of value rights, the custodian bank of each holder of value
rights other than Rasperia must issue a confirmation indicating that the value
rights were not held by Rasperia either on 9 July 2019 or on the date of
redemption. The confirmation form is available for download on the STRABAG
website (www.strabag.com).
The fully completed and signed confirmation must be transmitted by the custodian
bank to the paying agent by fax.
The confirmation may not be dated more than three bank working days prior to
receipt by the paying agent.
4. Submission period
The value rights and proof pursuant to item 2 above or confirmation pursuant to
item 3 above can be submitted to the paying agent from 9 July 2019, 9:00 a.m.
Vienna time, to 11 July 2022, 5:00 p.m. Vienna time. Dividends not claimed
within the aforementioned time will lapse to the company's favour.
5. Reimbursement of expenses
The costs of processing the dividend payment by means of value rights will be
reimbursed by STRABAG to each custodian bank in the amount of EUR 8 per custody
account. This reimbursement amount can be claimed by each custodian bank of a
holder of value rights when presenting proof pursuant to item 2 or confirmation
pursuant to item 3.
6. Applicable law, place of jurisdiction
The rights and duties of the value right holders and of STRABAG are subject to
Austrian law, with the exclusion of the referring statutes of Austrian
international private law. The place of performance is Vienna, Austria.
For all legal disputes in connection with these processing conditions, exclusive
jurisdiction shall rest with the competent court in commercial matters in
Vienna, to the extent permitted by mandatory law and/or unless any other
mandatory place of jurisdiction applies (cf. in particular Section 83a of the
Austrian Jurisdiction Act [JN]).
For legal action brought by a consumer against STRABAG, exclusive jurisdiction
shall rest, according to the consumer's choice, with either the local court
competent for the matter at the consumer's place of residence or the court at
the place where the registered office of STRABAG is situated or any other court
which has competence under statutory provisions, to the extent permitted by
mandatory law and/or unless any other mandatory place of jurisdiction applies
(cf. in particular Section 83a of the Austrian Jurisdiction Act [JN]).
Villach, June 2019
The Management Board
end of announcement euro adhoc
Attachments with Announcement:
issuer: STRABAG SE
Donau-City-Straße 9
A-1220 Wien
phone: +43 1 22422 -0
FAX: +43 1 22422 - 1177
mail: investor.relations@strabag.com
WWW: www.strabag.com
ISIN: AT000000STR1, AT0000A05HY9
indexes: SATX, WBI, ATX
stockmarkets: Wien
language: English
Digital press kit:
BSN Podcasts
Christian Drastil: Wiener Börse Plausch
SportWoche Podcast #153: Bilanz nach dem Grunddurchgang in Österreich und wow Ronivaldo, Fitz & Dragovic (C&C Monthly 03/25)
Akt. Indikation: 67.30 / 67.50
Uhrzeit: 13:04:12
Veränderung zu letztem SK: 0.45%
Letzter SK: 67.10 ( 3.55%)
Christian Drastil (BSN), Sabine Gstöttner (Inspirin), Karl-Heinz Strauss (Porr), Thomas Birtel (Strabag), Thomas Winkler (UBM)
, (© Michaela Mejta/photaq.com) >> Öffnen auf photaq.com
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