11930 Zeichen
General meeting information transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer is
responsible for the content of this announcement.
Bergheim, FN 33393 h
ISIN AT0000758305
Invitation to AGM
We hereby invite our shareholders to the Annual General Meeting of PALFINGER AG
to be held on Wednesday, 8 March 2017, at 11.00 a.m.,at the PALFINGER Service-
und Democenter, 5020 Salzburg, F.-W.-Scherer-Strasse 24.
1. Presentation of the financial statements, including the management report
and the corporate governance report, the consolidated financial
statements, including the consolidated management report, the proposal
with respect to the distribution of profits and the report of the
Supervisory Board for the 2016 financial year
2. Resolution on the distribution of the net profit for the year
3. Resolution on the discharge of the members of the Management Board from
their responsibility for the 2016 financial year
4. Resolution on the discharge of the members of the Supervisory Board from
their responsibility for the 2016 financial year
5. Election of the auditor of the financial statements and the consolidated
financial statements for the 2017 financial year
6. Election of a Supervisory Board member
AGM DOCUMENTS The following documents will be available at the Company's
website www.palfinger.ag no later than 15 February 2017:
financial statements, including management report\ncorporate governance report\nconsolidated financial statements, including consolidated management report\nproposal with respect to the distribution of profits\nreport of the Supervisory Board, each for the 2016 financial year;\nproposals for resolution on agenda items 2-6\nstatement by the candidate for election to the Supervisory Board pursuant to sec. 87 para. 2 of the Companies Act regarding agenda item 6, including CV\nform for granting proxy\nform for granting proxy to a representative of IVA\nform for revoking a proxy\ncomplete text of this invitation\nINFORMATION ON SHAREHOLDERS' RIGHTS PURSUANT TO SECS. 109, 110, 118 AND 119 OF
Additions to the agenda made by shareholders
Shareholders who jointly hold at least 5 per cent of the share capital and who
have been the holders of these shares for at least three months prior to making
such request are entitled to request in writing that additional items be put on
the agenda of this AGM and be published provided that such written request is
delivered to the Company no later than 15 February 2017 exclusively at the
address 5101 Bergheim near Salzburg, Lamprechtshausener Bundesstrasse 8,
Corporate Communications, attn. Mr
Hannes Roither. Shareholders must also
indicate proposals for resolutions regarding each item on the agenda so
requested, including a statement of grounds. A certificate of deposit
(Depotbestätigung) pursuant to sec. 10a of the Companies Act stating that the
shareholders making such requests have held their shares for at least three
months prior to making such requests must be submitted to evidence shareholder
status; this certificate may not be older than seven days at the time of it
being submitted to the Company. As regards the other requirements of the
certificate of deposit, please refer to the information on the right to attend
the Annual General Meeting.
Resolution proposals by shareholders on items of the agenda Shareholders
holding jointly at least 1 per cent of the share capital are entitled to submit
proposals for resolution on any item of the agenda, including a statement
ofgrounds, in text form and demand that such proposals, including the grounds
therefor, be made available at the website of the Company. Such request must be
delivered to the Company in text form no later than 27 February 2017 either by
telefax at +43 6622281-81070 or at the address 5101 Bergheim near Salzburg,
Lamprechtshausener Bundesstrasse 8, Corporate Communications, attn. Mr Hannes
Roither, or by e-mail to h.roither@palfinger.com, in which case such request
must be attached to the e-mail in text form, such as a PDF file. In the case of
a proposal for the election of a Supervisory Board member such statement of
grounds is to be replaced by the statement of the nominated candidate pursuant
to sec. 87 para. 2 of the Companies Act. A certificate of deposit pursuant to
sec. 10a of the Companies Act must be submitted to evidence that the
shareholders are entitled to exercise their shareholders' rights; this
certificate may not be older than seven days at the time of it being submitted
to the Company. As regards the other requirements of the certificate of
deposit, please refer to the information on the right to attend the AGM.
Right to be informed At the AGM, each shareholder has the right to be informed
on any matters pertaining to the Company if so requested provided that such
information is necessary for a proper opinion regarding a particular agenda
item. The Company may refuse to supply such information if, according to sound
business judgement, it could be seriously prejudicial to the Company or one of
its associated companies or if providing such information would constitute a
criminal offence. For the sake of an efficient meeting, questions whose
response needs longer preparation must be submitted in text form to the
Management Board in a timely manner before the AGM. They may be delivered to
the Company by post at the address 5101 Bergheim near Salzburg,
Lamprechtshausener Bundesstrasse 8, Corporate Communications, attn. Mr Hannes
Roither, or by e-mail toh.roither@palfinger.com.
Requests filed at the Annual General Meeting Irrespective of their
shareholdings in the Company, every shareholder has the right to make requests
on each item on the agenda to the Annual General Meeting. Shareholder motions
requesting the election of a Supervisory Board member require the timely
submission of a proposal for resolution pursuant to sec. 110 of the Companies
Act: Candidates for Supervisory Board elections (agenda item 6) may only be
proposed by shareholders holding jointly at least 1 per cent of the share
capital. Candidate proposals must be received by the Company no later than 27
February 2017 in the above-stated manner and must be accompanied by a candidate
statement pursuant to sec. 87 para. 2 of the Companies Act, which includes a
description of the candidate's professional qualifications, professional or
comparable functions and any circumstances that could give reason for concern
in respect to potential bias or conflict of interest.
Information at the Company's website Additional information on shareholders'
rights pursuant to secs. 109, 110, 118 and 119 of the Companies Act is
available as of now at the Company's websitehttp://www.palfinger.ag.
shareholders' rights to attend the Annual General Meeting and to exercise the
voting right and the other shareholder rights to be asserted in the course of
the Annual General Meeting are governed by their shareholdings as of the close
of 26 February 2017 (Qualifying Date). The Annual General Meeting may only be
attended by persons who are shareholders at such Qualifying Date and who
provide evidence thereof to the Company. A certificate of deposit pursuant to
sec. 10a of the Companies Act must be submitted to evidence a shareholder's
shareholding as at the Qualifying Date, which is to be delivered to the Company
no later than 3 March 2017 exclusively at one of the addresses indicated below.
By post or PALFINGER AG courier Corporate Communications
attn. Mr Hannes Roither
5101 Bergheim near Salzburg,
Lamprechtshausener Bundesstrasse 8
By telefax +43 1 8900 500 78
By e-mail anmeldung.palfinger@hauptversammlung.at,
the certificate of deposit must be attached to the e-mail
in text form such as a PDF file
By SWIFT GIBAATWGGMS (message type to be used is MT598, always
state ISIN AT0000758305)
Certificates of deposit pursuant to sec. 10a of the Companies Act The
certificate of deposit is to be issued by the relevant custodian bank with its
headquarters in a member state of the European Economic Area or in a full
member state of the OECD and must include the following information: o
information on the issuer: (corporate) name and address or any code that is
customarily used among credit institutions (BIC) o information on the
shareholder: (corporate) name, address, date of birth for natural persons, and
register and register number, if applicable, for legal entities o information
on the shares: number of the shares held by the shareholder,
ISIN AT0000758305
o deposit number and/or other designation
o date to which the certificate of deposit refers The certificate of deposit as
evidence of the shareholding entitling the shareholder to attend the AGM must
refer to the above-mentioned Qualifying Date 26 February 2017. The certificate
of deposit may be delivered in German or English.
the Annual General Meeting may appoint representatives who will take part in
the meeting on behalf of such shareholders and have the same rights as the
shareholders whom they represent. Proxy must be given to a specific person
(natural person or legal entity) in text form; also several persons may be
authorized. Such proxy must be delivered to the Company exclusively at one of
the addresses indicated below:
By post or PALFINGER AG courier Corporate Communications
attn. Herrn Hannes Roither
5101 Bergheim near Salzburg,
Lamprechtshausener Bundesstrasse 8
By telefax +43 1 8900 500 78
By e-mail anmeldung.palfinger@hauptversammlung.at, the proxy must be
attached to the e-mail in text form such as a PDF file
In person when registering for the AGM
at the venue
A proxy form and a form for revoking the proxy will be sent to shareholders
upon request and may be downloaded from the Company's website
atwww.palfinger.ag. If such proxy is not personally delivered at the date of
the AGM upon registration, it must be delivered to the Company no later than 7
March 2017 at 4 p.m. The rules indicated above regarding the granting of proxy
apply mutatis mutandis to its revocation.
INDEPENDENT PROXY As a special service a representative of the
"Interessenverband für Anleger" (IVA, Austrian Association of Investors), 1130
Vienna, Feldmühlgasse 22, is available to shareholders as an independent proxy
bound by the shareholders' instructions for exercising their voting rights at
the Annual General Meeting. A special proxy form may be downloaded from the
Company's website atwww.palfinger.ag/en/investor-relations/shareholder-meeting.
Shareholders may also contact Michael Knap of the IVAdirectly by calling +43 1
8763343-0, by fax at +43 1 8763343-49 or by e-mail tomichael.knap@iva.or.at.
TOTAL NUMBER OF SHARES AND VOTING RIGHTS At the date of convening the AGM the
Company's share capital of EUR 37,593,258 is divided into 37,593,258
no-par-value shares. Each share grants one vote.
In order to avoid delays at the entrance checks, shareholders are asked to
present themselves in due time before the start of the Annual General Meeting
and produce a valid ID card upon registration. Voting cards may be collected
from 10.15 a.m. onwards.
Bergheim near Salzburg, February 2017
The Management Board
end of announcement euro adhoc
issuer: Palfinger AG
Lamprechtshausener Bundesstraße 8
A-5020 Salzburg
phone: 0662/2281-81101
FAX: 0662/2281-81070
mail: ir@palfinger.com
WWW: www.palfinger.ag
sector: Machine Manufacturing
ISIN: AT0000758305
indexes: Prime Market
stockmarkets: official market: Wien
language: English
Digital press kit: http://www.ots.at/pressemappe/1659/aom
BSN Podcasts
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Hannes Roiter (Palfinger)
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