18.09.2014, 2352 Zeichen
AUSTRIA – Economics Minister Schelling announces tightening for 2015 budget
GERMANY – Schäuble wants to woo private investors at G-20
USA – Fed leaves people waiting for interest turnaround
USA – inflation in August falls more than expected
RUSSIA – could touch its emergency cash in 2015 for the first time in six years
WORLD BANK – warns against economic crisis due to Ebola
ERSTE BANK I – receives mandate for the sales of OMV Petrom shares by Romanian privatisation fund
ERSTE BANK II – applies new security standards for online shopping – payment with debit card will be possible
OMV – Abu Dhabi share holder allegedly want to get rid of CEO Roiss
S IMMO – emission of corporate bond is planned
VERBUND – has been forced by local court to keep ist gas plant in Mellach ready for use
VOESTALPINE – works council boss Schaller criticizes general director Eder because of repeated threats of leaving
GERMAN MARKET expected to open HIGHER - Dax-Indication 9,692 +0.32 %
ALLIANZ – restructures US subsidiary Fireman's Fund completely
BAYER – is supposedly going to shed its synthetics branch
BAYER CROP SCIENCE – intends to spend one billion Euros a year for agricultural research
BILFINGER – builds two natural gas plants for OMV Petrom in Romania
CONTINENTAL – 81,000 motorcycle tires are being called back in the US
DEUTSCHE BANK – has been sued in the US because of bad mortgages
LUFTHANSA I – buys 25 A320 planes from Airbus – contract valued at 2.5 billion Euros
LUFTHANSA II – starts aadding Premium Economy class to its planes
RWE – postpones start of coal plant in hamm because of technical difficulties
SIEMENS – railway branch boss Jochen Eickholt is convinced that the biggest problems have been solved over the last few months
Autor: Stefan Frey,Vanilla Capital GmbH, A - 1010 Vienna, Singerstraße 6/7, frey@vanilla-capital.com
kapitalmarkt-stimme.at daily voice 48/365: Nach dem Börsentag in Frankfurt ist vor dem Börsentag in Wien - Save the Date (8.3.)
Erste Bank, Erste Österreichische Spar-Casse, Graben
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Aktien auf dem Radar:RHI Magnesita, Rosenbauer, EuroTeleSites AG, Warimpex, Kapsch TrafficCom, Lenzing, OMV, Österreichische Post, ATX, ATX Prime, ATX TR, Andritz, Erste Group, Uniqa, voestalpine, VIG, Mayr-Melnhof, DO&CO, Porr, Rosgix, EVN, Cleen Energy, Frequentis, Gurktaler AG Stamm, Wiener Privatbank, Zumtobel, UBM, SW Umwelttechnik, Amag, Oberbank AG Stamm, RBI.
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