Magazine aktuell

#gabb aktuell

05.03.2013, 2210 Zeichen

"Cyclical stocks were driving last month’s outperformance

Performance: Since the last update on 4 February 2013 until the close of 1 March 2013, the 10 constituents of our Top Picks list on average achieved a performance of 1.8%. Adjusting for the performance of the DAX – which represents the most important benchmark index in our coverage universe – results in a further outperformance of 0.9%. This brings the outperformance our Top Picks list has achieved since inception (7 January 2013) to a total of 3.5%. Even though the DAX declined 0.3% since then, our top stock ideas were able to deliver an aggregate performance of 3.2%.

Tops & Flops: Among the 10 constituents of the Top Picks list, 8 stocks were able to outperform the DAX since their inclusion. The biggest Alpha was generated by Klöckner & Co (16.7%), REALTECH (9.1%) and DIC Asset (9.1%), while ThyssenKrupp (-7.6%) and RHI (-2.7%) were the only underperformers. Since our last update, the strong outperformance of Klöckner & Co and Krones outweighed the weakness of other constituents.

Ins & Outs: With this publication we include Beiersdorf to the list. We initiated coverage of the stock recently with a Buy rating and see further news flow coming from the Blue Agenda program which may act as a positive catalyst. In addition, we confirm our bullish assessment for the 10 remaining constituents of our Top Picks list.

Strategy: We expect the positive equity market environment to continue and forecast the DAX to hit 8250 points in 2013. Given our scenario of a further rise in leading indicators over the next months, we project that the current digestion phase will stay modest and short-lived. Against this backdrop, the focus of our recommendation stays on cyclical stocks and valuation plays. We also think that the outperformance of Mid & Small Caps will continue.

Top Stock Ideas:
BASF SE / Buy / TP EUR 85.00
Beiersdorf / Buy / TP EUR 74.00
CA Immo / Buy / TP EUR 12.20
DIC Asset / Buy / TP EUR 10.20
Klöckner & Co / Buy / TP EUR 14.00
Krones / Buy / TP EUR 56.00
REALTECH / Buy / TP EUR 6.00
RHI / Buy / TP EUR 34.00
Sixt / Buy / TP EUR 19.00
ThyssenKrupp / Buy / TP EUR 25.00
TOM TAILOR / Buy / TP EUR 20.00 "

(Baader Bank Equity Research)

BSN Podcasts
Christian Drastil: Wiener Börse Plausch daily voice 80/365: Glauben Sie, dass eine weitere WP-KESt-Erhöhung droht, Christoph Boschan?




Aktien auf dem Radar:Strabag, OMV, Frequentis, Austriacard Holdings AG, Pierer Mobility, Amag, Uniqa, Wienerberger, EVN, ATX, ATX Prime, ATX TR, VIG, voestalpine, FACC, Verbund, Wiener Privatbank, Semperit, Agrana, BKS Bank Stamm, Oberbank AG Stamm, Palfinger, Flughafen Wien, Kapsch TrafficCom, Österreichische Post, Telekom Austria.

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Als Österreichisches, börsennotiertes Unternehmen mit den drei Geschäftsbereichen Airline Catering, internationales Event Catering und Restaurants, Lounges & Hotel bieten wir Gourmet Entertainment auf der ganzen Welt. Wir betreiben 32 Locations in 12 Ländern auf 3 Kontinenten, um die höchsten Standards im Produkt- sowie Service-Bereich umsetzen zu können.

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    05.03.2013, 2210 Zeichen

    "Cyclical stocks were driving last month’s outperformance

    Performance: Since the last update on 4 February 2013 until the close of 1 March 2013, the 10 constituents of our Top Picks list on average achieved a performance of 1.8%. Adjusting for the performance of the DAX – which represents the most important benchmark index in our coverage universe – results in a further outperformance of 0.9%. This brings the outperformance our Top Picks list has achieved since inception (7 January 2013) to a total of 3.5%. Even though the DAX declined 0.3% since then, our top stock ideas were able to deliver an aggregate performance of 3.2%.

    Tops & Flops: Among the 10 constituents of the Top Picks list, 8 stocks were able to outperform the DAX since their inclusion. The biggest Alpha was generated by Klöckner & Co (16.7%), REALTECH (9.1%) and DIC Asset (9.1%), while ThyssenKrupp (-7.6%) and RHI (-2.7%) were the only underperformers. Since our last update, the strong outperformance of Klöckner & Co and Krones outweighed the weakness of other constituents.

    Ins & Outs: With this publication we include Beiersdorf to the list. We initiated coverage of the stock recently with a Buy rating and see further news flow coming from the Blue Agenda program which may act as a positive catalyst. In addition, we confirm our bullish assessment for the 10 remaining constituents of our Top Picks list.

    Strategy: We expect the positive equity market environment to continue and forecast the DAX to hit 8250 points in 2013. Given our scenario of a further rise in leading indicators over the next months, we project that the current digestion phase will stay modest and short-lived. Against this backdrop, the focus of our recommendation stays on cyclical stocks and valuation plays. We also think that the outperformance of Mid & Small Caps will continue.

    Top Stock Ideas:
    BASF SE / Buy / TP EUR 85.00
    Beiersdorf / Buy / TP EUR 74.00
    CA Immo / Buy / TP EUR 12.20
    DIC Asset / Buy / TP EUR 10.20
    Klöckner & Co / Buy / TP EUR 14.00
    Krones / Buy / TP EUR 56.00
    REALTECH / Buy / TP EUR 6.00
    RHI / Buy / TP EUR 34.00
    Sixt / Buy / TP EUR 19.00
    ThyssenKrupp / Buy / TP EUR 25.00
    TOM TAILOR / Buy / TP EUR 20.00 "

    (Baader Bank Equity Research)

    BSN Podcasts
    Christian Drastil: Wiener Börse Plausch daily voice 80/365: Glauben Sie, dass eine weitere WP-KESt-Erhöhung droht, Christoph Boschan?




    Aktien auf dem Radar:Strabag, OMV, Frequentis, Austriacard Holdings AG, Pierer Mobility, Amag, Uniqa, Wienerberger, EVN, ATX, ATX Prime, ATX TR, VIG, voestalpine, FACC, Verbund, Wiener Privatbank, Semperit, Agrana, BKS Bank Stamm, Oberbank AG Stamm, Palfinger, Flughafen Wien, Kapsch TrafficCom, Österreichische Post, Telekom Austria.

    Random Partner

    Als Österreichisches, börsennotiertes Unternehmen mit den drei Geschäftsbereichen Airline Catering, internationales Event Catering und Restaurants, Lounges & Hotel bieten wir Gourmet Entertainment auf der ganzen Welt. Wir betreiben 32 Locations in 12 Ländern auf 3 Kontinenten, um die höchsten Standards im Produkt- sowie Service-Bereich umsetzen zu können.

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      wikifolio-Trades Austro-Aktien 21-22: Kontron(4)
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      BSN Vola-Event Verbund
      Star der Stunde: Frequentis 2.52%, Rutsch der Stunde: Polytec Group -2.4%
      wikifolio-Trades Austro-Aktien 17-18: Lenzing(1), Verbund(1)
      Star der Stunde: Palfinger 2.17%, Rutsch der Stunde: Addiko Bank -1.39%

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